10 tips to get you started with OneNote in 2018
Submitted by Fiona Beal OneNote is one of my favourite applications for keeping organised and I will definitely be making more of this application at my school this year. I have written about OneNote before so I don’t want to repeat myself, but there are a number of reasons why this application has really captured my attention for personal use and use in my lessons. 1. OneNote is free and easy to access I love the fact that the application is free and that it is a cross platform tool. I can access it from my phone, my tablet and my laptop. You need to have a Microsoft account to access your OneNote. My learners also use OneNote online. Hopefully this year we’ll be accessing Office 365. 2. Use it like an online notebook I like the way a OneNote notebook resembles a binder. I feel as though I am really organised when I use OneNote. Once you are in OneNote you create a notebook…as many as you like. You can use sections to divide your notes into the categories that you want. Yo...