A report back on the Google Educator Group (GEG) meeting at Grove Primary in August

On Saturday morning 27th August we had a most enjoyable GEG gathering at Grove Primary,  run by the two central GEG leaders, Peter Schutte and Che Marnwick, both from Wynberg Girls High School.  Google Educator Groups (GEGs) are communities of educators who learn, share, and inspire each other to meet the needs of their learners through technology solutions. The groups around the world have local teacher leaders who arrange  meetings, such as Peter and Che. After tea and fun at the photobooth we settled down to the fun icebreakers and the presentations of the day.

Keynote and Overview: Using Social Media for Professional Development
This was presented  by Peter Schutte.  Peter focused on getting oneself linked to a Personal Learning Network and growing oneself professionally. There are many good professioanl development Google communities in Google+. For South African teachers the best one to link to is GEG South Africa https://goo.gl/hWZDs9 Peter's presentation can be accessed at:  http://bit.ly/2vxPoMw

Twitter for PD 
This was presented by Che Marnwick from Wynvberg Girls High School. Che went through the steps of joining Twitter for anyone new to this program. She then showed the value of connecting with others using Twitter.  The best hashtag for South African teachers to follow is #ZAedu.  This presentation can be accessed at http://bit.ly/2wdBZLK

Photos of the day
The photos of the day can be seen below. Most of them were posted in the GEG Soputh Africa community by Shelley Schutte. Two of them are ones that I took.  In the previous post, entitled: 'How to add a folder of photos to a Google presentation QUICKLY...using the DriveSlides extension', we indicated how to create a Google presentation of photos, like the one below,  in seconds using the extension DriveSlides.


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