Participate in the online Global Collaboration Day on 21st September...and more

Here is a message from the Global Education Conference Network with loads of opportunities for you and your class:

Global Collaboration Day
"September 21st is the third annual Global Collaboration Day! Experienced global educators are hosting a plethora of online activities for students, pre-service teachers, educators, parents, and organization leaders. Take a look at the calendar of events in your time zone and the more detailed directory of events! If you would like to host an event yourself, please submit your activity using these directions by September 18, 2017. And, please share this flyer with potentially interested friends and colleagues.

GlobalEd Events is hosting a Global Education Fair on September 21 as part of Global Collaboration Day. This is an opportunity for schools to receive more information about projects, initiatives, and programs that support globally global connected teaching and learning. See this site for more details about attending and exhibiting. Thanks to all in the global education community who are participating in GCD and the Fair this year! If you need further information, check out our recent presentation for Classroom 2.0 Live.

Last month, we alerted our community to our new Global Education Resources page and GlobalEd Events Calendar. Our resource page contains links to curated global education articles, organizations, and projects. Let us know if we’ve missed any events and activities related to global education and we’ll be happy to add them to the calendar!

Other global opportunities
Finally, here is a collection of information requests, events and opportunities organized by others that we’ve noticed:
GEC member Elizabeth Crawford is curious about any upcoming conferences related to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals that would be beneficial to educators and policymakers. The Global Education Conference, a virtual event, will have a stranded dedicated to this topic, but Elizabeth is seeking in-person events. Respond to the discussion thread in the GEC Network if you have suggestions.

Teen Dreams is a global video contest in which students can express their dreams as they relate to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Submissions will be accepted starting September 30th.

September 21 is also the International Day of Peace. Music Ambassadors for Peace are organizing a virtual concert and details are available here.

Julie Lindsay’s latest case study from her book The Global Educator features Pernille Ripp, the founder of the Global Read Aloud project which kicks off on October 2.

DigCitKids offers monthly challenges in Spanish and English for kids! Inspired by hurricanes and flooding around the world, this month’s challenge is for kids to show how they are helping neighbors. Students can document their story using their favorite digital tools and share it on social media (with the help of their teachers of course!). There is also a Flipgrid set up for this purpose.

Traveling Tales is a project run by Joel Bevans. He will match your class up with another to create collaborative stories such as these examples. Incorporating SDGs into these stories is encouraged!

#GlobalEdChat, organized and run by the Asia Society, is back in session after a summer hiatus. On September 14th, the Stevens Initiative is guest hosting and the topic will be virtual exchanges. To check see #globaledchat archives, visit Participate to see transcripts and collections of resources.

Post your own global events
If you’d would like an event put into this post next month, post directly to this discussion forum or email Lucy Gray at Thanks to Participate for their support of our events; make sure to visit their site for the best professional development resources!

Visit The Global Education Conference Network at:


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